Our Business Strengths

Empowerment of People

In RCSS, our core business model allows our people to grow and develop the necessary skill-sets and expertise to help the company grow from strength to strength.

Proven Expertise

RCSS has worked with several large conglomerates and have had many successful projects. Thus, earning ourselves to be reputable, reliable and dependable in the industry.

Diversified Entrepreneurship

As RCSS is a diversified company, it allows us to be exposed to other various industries. This creates more revenue streams and reduces any dependence on a fixed industry.

Strong Finance Base

Through proven success rates and track records over the years, RCSS is backed up with a strong financial standing to support all our ventures.

Experienced & Skilled

Our core team comes from various different industries, which gives us the experience and analytical skills to identify, manage and solve issues effectively.


RCSS is highly adaptable to any changes in the market climate or conditions, as seen during the recent COVID-19 pandemic.